Tag Archives: Cellular Level

The Root Causes of Nerve Pain: Investigating Arthritis and Sciatica

Abstract Nerve pain, particularly from conditions like arthritis and sciatica, impacts millions of people globally. Understanding the root causes of these conditions from a molecular and cellular perspective provides key insights into how these disorders develop and progress. This paper explores the biochemical and physiological mechanisms that contribute to nerve pain, focusing on the causes […]

The Causes and Management of Pain in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD): Neurophysiological Pathways, Pharmaceutical Exacerbation, and Holistic Healing Approaches

Abstract Pain in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the most debilitating symptoms, often leading to acute and chronic suffering. This paper explores the neurophysiological pathways involved in the initiation and transmission of pain in SCD, highlighting the root causes, such as nerve fibres, pain sensors, and their interactions. The paper further investigates the […]

The Role of Nitrate and Nitrite in Regulating Atomic and Molecular Spin for Cellular Balance and the Management of Sickle Cell Disease

Abstract The regulation of atomic and molecular spin at the cellular level plays a fundamental role in maintaining biological harmony. In the context of sickle cell disease (SCD), abnormal haemoglobin polymerisation leads to the characteristic sickling of red blood cells, impairing oxygen delivery and causing systemic complications. This paper explores how nitrate (NO₃⁻) and nitrite […]